What I’m Doing Now

Last Updated: 2024-08-12

After 5 years of running my own company and ultimately shutting down commercial operations, I’m taking some much needed time to reconnect with my curiosity.

Recent time in therapy has made me realize that I’ve been running on autopilot for a long time. I think I burnt out. Right now, I need to make sure that I’m optimizing for emotions, not obligations. If something makes me happy or interests me, I should run with it. If it doesn’t, I should let it go. The important part right now is to be curious, explore, and find that spark again.

This is my way of embracing the pathless path. I’m open to new roles, projects, and collaborations. If you have something in mind, please reach out!

What I’m Doing

What I’m Exploring

What I’m Questioning

This page is an inspiration from Derek Sivers and follows the principles listed on nownownow.