Blake Burch

Data Strategy + AI

I’m a pioneer in data strategy and AI, passionate about helping teams automate and act on their data. I’m currently the co-founder of Shipyard, a data operations platform that helps Data Teams launch, monitor, and share their solutions without worrying about infrastructure.Over the course of 10 years, I've found that no matter the size or the industry, every brand is struggling to drive strategic action and results from their data. As a self-taught technologist, it’s always been my mission to build streamlined workflows and intelligent systems that help companies discover how they can use their overload of data in smarter ways to drive growth every year. My goal is to radically change the way organizations think about using their data and automating their work.Previously, I was the Head of Data Services at PMG, directing the agency’s roadmap and strategy for the Data Engineering, Data Activation, and Data Innovation teams. Over the course of my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work with and shape the digital strategies of brands like GAP Inc., Sephora, Abercrombie & Fitch, H-E-B Grocery, OpenTable, Travelocity, and Cirque Du Soleil.In my free time, I geek out about tech trends, indie video games & board games. I'm a big fan of live music for funk/jazz/electronic, I play the drums when I can, and enjoy hiking when the Texas heat isn't too bad.Want to work together or chat about big ideas? Let’s get in touch!

Curious to dig deeper into how I operate? I've built up a slew of examples to give you a clear idea.

Get in touch

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How I Speak

I enjoy lively discussions about effectively using AI, data, and automation.Below is an exhaustive list of podcasts, conferences, and events where I've had the opportunity to share my perspective.

Want to have me speak on your Podcast or give a presentation at your events? Reach out below!